Interior Design LOOKS Travel Diaries

San Francisco, California

I have to say that San Francisco is definitely my favorite city from the United States I have visited so far. Yes, sorry NY and Chicago you are now bottom of my list. As I have mentioned to you guys before San Francisco was one of my cities on my bucket list since last year but […]

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LOOKS Travel Diaries

Napa Valley, California

Hello strangers, long time no seen! How was your Easter week? Hope you all spend the holidays with the people you loved the most. As for my self I planned another adventure back in California but this time to a new city: San Francisco.

SF is one of the cities I planned to visit since my last b-day in November but unfortunately I cheated SF with Playa del Carmen (Yeah I’m a beach lover) So definitely SF was on the top of my bucket list for this year…

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LOOKS Travel Diaries

The Bocas Life, Panama

Good morning beautiful peeps!!! Its incredible that we are already in half week uh?
Lately I have been feeling that time flies but is because I decided to enter school. Yes, I guess we are never to old to study right? This is why I feel that I need more hours on my day. So between days and times I’m finally catching up in my travel post YAY!! Today I want to share with all of you my final Panama destination: Bocas del Toro which I got to explore with Robert…

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LOOKS Travel Diaries

Isla Boca Brava, Gulf of Chiriqui

Hello travelers!!!! Yes, I’m finally back to the blogosphere. Sorry that I have been “MIA”.
In the continue of my dear Panama destinations today I’m sharing one of my favorites trips and definitely the travel post that have exceeded my expectations in regards their paradisiac beaches so far, The Gulf of Chiriqui in Isla Boca Brava…

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LOOKS Travel Diaries

Cayos Holandeses , Panama

As our second visit in Panama we went to San Blas also know as Guna Yala. The Kunas land, which are the indigenous from Panama. San Blas is an archipelago comprising approximately 365 islands. Is very well known as the Paradise of Panama. So this is a MUST destiny if you ever make it to Panama. […]

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