LOOKS Travel Diaries

What are you grateful for?

Ha pasado mucho desde que escribí mi último blogpost personal.  Hoy me pongo un poco sentimental porque quiero compartir que tan agradecida me siento con mi vida (no se preocupen que no habrá lagrimas).

No sé si les ha pasado, pero constantemente siempre hago un auto-análisis de mi vida, y a pesar que a veces soy bastante exigente conmigo mismo hay días en que verdad me siento agradecida por mis propios logros y por cosas que me rodean.

Estoy a casi 3 meses de cumplir 30 años y la verdad analizando el panorama nunca pensé lograr tantas cosas antes de cumplir los 30. Es increíble como el viajar te cambia como persona y tu manera de pensar no lo creen? Algunas de las cosas por las que me siento increíblemente agradecida son:

Mi familia: realmente es una bendición infinita y siento que desde que renuncie mi trabajo corporativo en Ralph Lauren hace 9 meses me siento más cercanos a ellos. ¿Es increíble verdad que algo así pueda pasar? La vida a veces funciona de una manera bastante extraña pero ahora que viajo más y estoy mas lejos de ellos de alguna manera estoy más cercana a ellos y siento más su apoyo.  Cuando tenía mi trabajo corporativo casi nunca hablaba con ellos, me la pasaba amargada y casi nunca podía asistir a eventos familiares.Salud: el viajar me ha abierto los ojos de cómo tengo que ser agradecida de poder contar con una vida bastante saludable y tener las facilidades de tener un acceso fácil a las medicinas. He visto en muchos países donde hay mucha gente que sufre de enfermedades y tiene muchas complicaciones para obtener medicinas ya sea por motivos de logística o porque no tienen el dinero para comprar dichas medicinas.

Con Dios: no me considero una persona religiosa y no voy a misa todos los domingos. Pero tener la presencia de dios y la confianza de que las cosas marcharan bien con ayuda de el.Mis amistades: con el tiempo he aprendido a valorar que no se trata de cantidad si no de calidad. Todos conocemos mucha gente, pero realmente cuando pasas por dificultades en la vida te das cuenta quienes son esas personas que están aún ahí apoyándote. Tengo muchas amigas que no veo frecuentemente sobre todo ahora que soy full time travel blogger pero a pesar que sea que no las vea por distancia cada vez que logro verme con ellas es como si nada hubiera pasado.Poder hacer lo que amo: cuando recién me gradué del colegio sabía que quería estudiar moda y trabajar para una marca grande. ¡Y adivinen lo logré! Trabaje casi 9 años en Ralph Lauren donde aprendí mucho, crecí mucho, conocí gente increíble que respeto mucho mis opiniones,  decisiones y sobretodo que me dieron esa confianza de poder crecer y ser mas grande. Aun así jamás pensé que ese trabajo me hubiera llevado a otro camino que es el mundo del blogging. El poder viajar el mundo como tu trabajo y conocer lugares increíbles es realmente una bendición y una gran aventura que nunca sabes que esperar. Hace poco regrese de un lugar completamente asombroso que es una Isla Privada en Madagascar llamada Miavanna de la prestigiosa cadena de hoteles Time and Tide Africa y fue una experiencia asombrosa la cual no aguanto las ganas de compartirles.

Las marcas con las que trabajo: Muchas personas creen que para trabajar con grandes marcas necesitan grandes números y déjenme decirles que esto no es cierto. Hoy en día las marcas buscan más calidad que cantidad y he sido bastante afortunada de trabajar buenas empresas y marcas entre ellos  ministerio de turismo de varios países,  hoteles, aerolíneas y marcas de ropa con las que siempre soñé. Un ejemplo es CMEO Collective que es la marca del vestido de este post. Siempre fue una de mis marcas favoritas y amo todas sus colecciones. Gracias a todas esas marcas que han creído en mí y mi medio.Mis seguidores: suena un poco cheesy pero la verdad es increíble lo tanto que he crecido y cuantos seguidores alrededor del mundo tengo! Hoy por primera vez hice un video en vivo y muchos me mandaron saludos desde Rusia, Korea del Sur, Alemania, Costa Rica, Panamá, México, Kenia, Colombia, Brasil, España, Francia, etc.. Muchas gracias por todo el apoyo que me han brindado y espero que podamos crecer juntos y puedan utilizar marcyyu.com como una herramienta e inspiración.

¿Y tu porque estas agradecido en la vida? ¡Gracias por tu continuo apoyo y seguir leyéndome!

Saludos desde Madagascar



Vestido: CMEO Collective disponible en BNKR

Lentes de Sol: Ralph Lauren

Sombrero: Forever 21


Etiquetas: , , , , , , , , , ,

Robert Michael Poole

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  1. Natalia k says on septiembre 21, 2017

    I love this personal post and learning more about you , you always travel to the best destinations and it’s lovely to get to know you more.
    I’m grateful for my Health yes I have a few illnesses and injuries that I have to deal with they could always be worse and there’s other people more unfortunate than myself.
    I’m also grateful for my followers and the people that do support me and being able to follow my passions and do the things I love.
    Natalia k


  2. Jacqueline says on septiembre 21, 2017

    I love this post! I think we all have something to be grateful for! I recently turned 30 too! Happy birthday early birthday girl! I think it’s those times where you reflect on everything you accomplished and how far you’ve gotten. The 20s were really a growing year for me. And it looks like for you too! Glad you have so many blessings you can count

  3. I am definitely grateful for God leading me to do what I am meant to be doing with my life and also having the patience to do it! Often times we try to rush things and end up missing our blessings. Another thing I’m grateful for is a family that supports my dreams and me as an individual! It’s quite hard to achieve things without proper support, though it’s possible. I am so proud of all you have done before the age of 30 🙂



  4. Manda Lee says on septiembre 20, 2017

    I absolutely loved loved reading this post from you! It’s been a good little while since I’ve shared a very personal blog post as well. I didn’t know that you worked for RL but I totally get the way you feel with being closer to your family since leaving that career path. I had a similar career with a denim company and I was traveling and working like crazy but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get to spend the time with my family that I wanted to if I continued down that career path and while I work just as much now, I make my own hours and I can say no when I want to. I love following your travels and I think all of your opportunities are amazing! I can imagine just how grateful you are for easy access to medicine after seeing some people living in extreme poverty during your travels. I feel like a personal connection is a big part of working with brands and like you said, not necessarily all about the numbers. Also, absolutely love your look! This dress is absolutely incredible!

    Manda Lee | http://EvocativelyChosen.com


  5. Hey Marcy,

    I so relate to your story about missing your family. I used to work a lot and didn’t have enough time for my beloved. Also, I totally agree that it’s better to value not quantity but quality. I still have a few friends who i can rely on.


    • Dear Darya thank you very much for your comment and I’m glad we find out how much we were missing and still been able to do something about sharing more time with our families. Have a great day!!



  6. What a great and lovely post! I absolutely adore your dress and its tropical print! You are totally blending in with the marvelous paradise.
    You are so brave to leave your job but at the same time you are lucky to do what you love the most and at the end that is one of the most importantand valuable things. That way, you will always put your heart on every single effort . It’s good to be grateful and always take a moment to think and feel blessed for all the amazing things that life simply offers. I am grateful for my family, my kids are the love of my life. I am also grateful for my friends and my job.
    Have a wonderful day hun!




  7. Girl, you’re living the dream! I didn’t realize you worked at Ralph Lauren! I had a few friends who worked there over the years and they loved it. But nothing beats working for yourself and traveling the world – and getting paid to do it. You are so lucky to do what you love. Every so often I like to reflect how far I come and it also brings me to tears. Love your positivity! You deserve it all!


    • Thank you Michelle!! Really how cool u also have friend who love working for RL. Is such a great company but after 9 years it was time to do my own thing 🙂



  8. What a fabulous, happy post. I think it’s so grounding to acknowledge gratefulness. It’s something I have been trying to do regularly as I think it’s so easy to take life for granted. Thanks for sharing such a personal post.

    I love this C/MEO dress! One of my fav labels to wear. Gorgeous.

    J. x


  9. I love this post! It is always good to reflect on things that we are grateful for! Happy early 30th by the way! You are so brave to leave your corporate job! I have been wanting to for a while now, but I am afraid of the uncertainty. :/

    I agree with you! It’s better to have a small group of great friends, than a big group of not so great friends.

    Thank you for sharing!


    • Thank you so much Tandya!!! I seriously felt the same before leaving RL because you have so many financial responsibilities but I honestly have no regrets at all. You just need the courage to do it and have a lot of faith and believe in yourself you will make it and it will happen. Best vibes for you



  10. Open Kloset By Karina says on septiembre 18, 2017

    Hey Darling,
    How are you?
    Loved this post, I am super Grateful and I do it every day. Being Thankful and Positive is the most Important thing To have a Balanced and Happy Life:)
    Loved the Dress on you:)
    Love Kisses Open Kloset By Karina
    Happy Week


  11. I’m so happy to hear that you have so many things in your life to be grateful for! I think it is very important to step back and appreciate all you have been given in your life. This post is a nice reminder to always do this. I, too, am very grateful that blogging allows me to spend so much time with my family. The moments I spend with them are priceless.

    ~xo Sheree


  12. Christine Kong says on septiembre 8, 2017

    Gratitude is something that we can take for granted especially living the lives we do. I think your amazing travels also help to give you perspective and really understand how truly blessed we are. I am grateful for many of the same things as you mentioned. Family and friends and their constant support and health is a crucial one as well. I can’t believe you are turning 30 soon and have accomplished so much! xoxo, Christine


  13. What lovely post! It truly is so important to take a step back sometimes just to think about all one is grateful for. I used to keep a gratitude journal and every time I wrote in it, I immediately felt better despite whatever bad was going on. Me, I’m grateful for the opportunity to work on something I love and I’m grateful to my parents who’ve encouraged me along the way. Their support means a lot to me and I’m very lucky to have them in my life.

    xo, Jo


  14. OMG I am so thankful for so many things going on in my life. I am only 18, I have traveled a lot, got in my first pick/favorite college in LA USC, have wonderful support and love from my family, healthy, have my faith, friends, so so thankful. I love your dress – it looks great on you.




  15. Mariann Yip says on septiembre 6, 2017

    I appreciate this post so much because I think it’s important to take time and reflect on what we’re grateful for. Like you, I am grateful to be doing what I love and also my health because I realized without health, we have nothing. I might consider doing a similar post on this topic soon 🙂


  16. Sientemimoda says on septiembre 5, 2017

    Me alegro muchísimo que te vaya también y que te sientas tan realizada , y el vestido es divino un besin

  17. Luisanna from My Outfit RD says on septiembre 4, 2017

    Excelente post Marcy, que bueno que puedes hacer lo que amas y estar cerca de tu familia. Yo siempre te digo que para mi es un sueño leer tus post y ver tus fotos viajo a todos lados contigo. Gracias por compartir esta maravillosa vida que decidiste vivir.

  18. El Rincón de Rachel says on septiembre 3, 2017

    ¡Qué maravilloso post! Es muy inspirador. Creo que es importante pararse a reflexionar y agradecer a la vida por todo aquello de lo que podemos disfrutar y también para marcarse nuevos objetivos y el rumbo que uno quiere llevar. Felicidades por todos tus éxitos, profesionales y personales, que son muy merecidos. Un enorme abrazo.


  19. Tenzin Loden says on septiembre 1, 2017

    Beautiful. The words truly serves the purpose. I followed your Instapage few months back and it has always pumped me with new vibes, aura and a feel of excitement. You do that beautifully. Reading your blog, its my first time reading of your writing, I felt an intimacy; a touch of true feeling. The reflections you have touched upon in your writing was beautiful. I just celebrated my 28th Birthday and I also feel that the life we are blessed with, is a result of many factors that we should be eternally grateful. Thank you for such a wonderful post.